The Molybdenum Effect

I know what you all are thinking...and no, I do not know the first thing about properly pronouncing molybdenum. So if that's why you are reading this post, you will be severely disappointed. 

If, however, you have come to enjoy some nutrition-talk, please stay! Hopefully you will learn something interesting.

In all honesty, there is not a whole lot that is known about molybdenum and its uses inside of the body. What we do know, however, is quite fascinating.

The main function of molybdenum is to catalyze (or quicken) both the production of sulfur-containing amino acids and enzymes. Molybdenum is also important for the breakdown of other amino acids in the body.

And that's it. That's literally all we know. I could end this blog post now without giving you any more information..........

OR I could tell you how my interview for the dietetics program went, which is much more entertaining. Here goes:

So. I change into a dress at work and go straight to my interview, smelling like burger grease and Cajun fries (something I'm sure impressed my interviewers, who are both registered dietitians). When I walked into the conference room I saw that one of my interviewers was one of my favorite professors; at that moment I knew that my interview would either go really well (because I knew I would be comfortable) or go really bad (because I knew I would be TOO comfortable). The other interviewer was the head of the dietetics program. So no need to be nervous or anything, right? 

The interviewers go back and forth asking simple questions about me, my prior experience with food and nutrition, and my career goals. 

Then we get to the next question. And I couldn't control what came out of my mouth. It just happened. I couldn't stop it. 

The next question was: "What qualities do you have that will make you a good dietitian?"

And my answer?: "I practice moderation. I love cookies. And cake. And ice cream. And
chocolate. I will not tell my patients to not eat those things because I eat those things. I don't want my patients to look at me like I'm sitting on my own personal throne of kale." 

I'm not sure why I divulged my love for dessert in the middle of a professional interview, not to mention why I said kale out of all things. I don't even like kale that much. But I do know one thing, and it's that after my answer there was a couple seconds of absolute silence. 

The interviewers were trying to keep their professional manner and suppress their laughter. 
I was trying to control the sweat that immediately sprung up in my palms. 
I begin to feel nervous as the head of the program, the woman who literally holds the fate of all of my life dreams in her hands, starts to speak:

"That...was...possibly the greatest thing I have ever heard someone say in an interview."

At this point, none of us can contain our laughter. While drying our tears of laughter, I noticed that the head of the department was writing something down on her paper. It said "Throne of Kale Lady."

That's right. I'm not even in the program yet, and I already have a nickname. 

And I don't even like kale that much.


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